Makos Infotech is dedicated to providing 360° Value, which includes partnering with our clients to advance diversity and inclusion, reskill and upskill their workforce, accomplish their sustainability goals, and create significant moments for their clients, employees, and communities.
Apply nowWe strictly enforce the rule that no personal investments are accepted at our business. Our attention is on seasoned business owners and qualified venture capitalists who have dealt with the difficulties of starting a company. We know that starting a business can be difficult, full of ups and downs and that only those who have gone through it are prepared to handle it. We understand that, even with a well-thought-out strategy and an excellent execution team, investing in businesses is a high-risk activity. A variety of things can impact a venture's success. Because of this, we have a long-term strategy and a minimum 3-year plan for creating outstanding businesses that improve people's lives. We think creating something unique and having a positive impact comes with financial rewards. Our ultimate objective is to build a business that has a profound impact and offers our investors respectable profits.